Day 18: Merry Christmas from Year 1


Challenge 1: How many words can you make using the letters 'Merry Christmas' ? Write as many as you can.


Post your answers here!



Merry Christmas-

Star, rhyme, mast, charm, smart, chime, cherry, ear, ccrime, starry, starch, chart, marry, try, Mr, Mrs shy, shirt, race, trace, shimmer, mash, myth, him, her, she, time, timer, rest, heart, hiss, their, they, them, stammer, this, tar, misty, match, mat, haste, hasty, hat, myst, trim, mass, has, stem, smear, cream, cram, smash, rise, chair, messy, mess, stem, steamy, ream, tram, carry, cat, cast, caster, hate, crash, crasher, ham, meat, riches, rich, richer, heist, resist, hat, sat, rat, mat, rate, mate, set, sit, hit, sist, sister, mime, met, chemist, tame, same, aim, team, tear, teary, hammer, rics, chat, charmer, march, art, arty, master, harm, care, hair, hairy, car, stare, share, shame, rash, chase, tare, year, scream, search, merrit, mare, are, seam, sea, tea and sire.

These are the ones I can think of today but I know that there are many more.


Star, sir, mass, mast, sim, car