Day 11: Fox Class write letters to Father Christmas


Challenge 1: Can you name one thing that a child has asked Santa for?

Challenge 2: After writing the letter, what did the children do next?

Challenge 3: What postcode was used on the envelope for Father Christmas?


Post your answers here!






1. someone wanted a puppy.

2. they were getting ready to send them.

3. xm4 5hq


1.A toy cat

2.Get them ready to post

3.Father Christmas,Santas grotto,Reindeerland,XM4 5HQ

1) A puppy! 

2) They got their letters ready to post them. 

3) XM4 5HQ

1. A puppy
2. They got them ready to send to santa
3. XM4 5HQ

1. One of the children asked for a train and hot wheels.

2. After the children wrote their letters, they put them in an envelope, addressed it to Santa, put a stamp on and took them to the post office.

3.The postcode on the envelope was XM4 5HQ.


1. A football mat
2. Went to the post box
3. ReindeerLand, XM4 5HQ