Day 22: Wolf Class: Only three sleeps until Christmas


Challenge 1: Many of the children were wearing Rudolph or reindeer inspired jumpers. Can you name all eight reindeer?

Challenge 2: We have been lighting our Advent Wreath in our count down to Christmas. Can you remember what some or all of the candles represents?

Challenge 3: What traditions do you have on the night before Christmas?

Post your answers here!


1. I counted 9 jumpers. Dasher,Dancer,Prancer, Vixen, comet Cupid donned and blixen

2.Hope love noy and peace

3.To leave out the cookies and milk for Santa  and carrots for the reeinder  and sprinkle the reeinder dust


1. 8 of the children were wearing reindeer jumpers. The 8 reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. 
2. The advent candles represent hope, peace, joy and love. 
3. I actually celebrate Christmas the 24th!!

1, eight and santa reindeers are called donner,dancer,dasher,prancer,vixen,clomet,blitzen and cupid.

2.Hope,love,joy and peace.

3. A countdown for new years eve some friends over and we eat lots of food and spend time with your family and friends.