Day 15: Robin Class perform 'Father Christmas'


Challenge 1: Where did Father Christmas get stuck?

Challenge 2: What language were the children communicating through hand actions?

Challenge 3: What is the action for Father Christmas?

Post your answers here!


1. Coming down the chimney 

2.Makaton (sign language)

3.Start with your hand at your chin and bring it down, like a beard ,then make 2 fists and put one on top of each other

 santa got stuck going down the chimney 

sign language 

the fist to the hand



1. In the chimney

2. Makaton (sign language)

3. Stroking their beard

1. Up the chimnley

2. Sighn  language

3. A beard

1. Father Christmas got stuck in the chimney

2. Robin class we're communicating in sighn language 

3. The actions for  Father Christmas was pulling from your chin then put both hands on your shoulder ( like your holding a sack )

1. Father Christmas got stuck in the chimney. 
2. The children are using Makaton/sign language. 
3. The sign for Father Christmas is a beard and a sack over the shoulder. 

In the chimney.

Sin language.

They did a beard shape with their fingers and they also put their hands on top of their hands in a chlinder shape.






1  in the chimney

2  they were trying to communicate in sign language

3  first they stroke There chin and put their knuckles on top of each other