Day 18: Hedgehog Class play the Boomwhackers


Challenge 1: Which Christmas carol was played on the Boomwhackers?

Challenge 2: Which colour Boomwhacker played the highest note or pitch?

Challenge 3: Which colour Boomwhacker played the lowest note or pitch?


Post your answers here!



1. Joy to the World 

2. Long red boomwhacker

3. Short red boomwhacker

1. The Christmas carol played was Joy to the World. 
2. The short red boomwhacker played the highest note. 
3. The long red boonwhacker played the lowest note. 

1.Joy to the world 


1. joy to the world.

2. the yellow boomwakers.

3. the small red boomwakers.

joy to world



1. Joy to the World

2. The red boomwhackers in front of the camera

3. The red boomwhakers next to the orange boomwhakers